Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why I have fallen off the planet for a while

Confession: I'm knocked up!!!!

I will take a moment while you are done pulling your jaw up off the floor, screaming, re-reading my confession, and for some crying.

Yes the rumors are true I am preggers. Which is why I dropped the ball on the whole weight loss challenge. I will say though I have lost weight since I got pregnant not because I was trying but more because I can't keep anything down. So to all my fans trying to lose weight I would like to say keep going!!! Just because my journey is on hold shouldn't make you stop. Once I have had the baby and can workout again I will be back not only to lose baby weight but get to my goal weight.

I'm considering changing my blog to "Confessions of Pregnant Girl" cause life has taken a drastic turn for me. Because of my pregnancy I've had to quit my two jobs, restaurants plus,super sonic pregnant nose, plus, nausea, equals no more food industry for faith. I find myself wanting to comment on how things are so different for me. I am EMOTIONAL.....I am emotional at everything!!! I cry at commercials, movies like transformers (who does that?) and when I do watch something that makes the average girl cry I'm a wreck. Then I get upset so easily, and then I want love, then I'm laughing....I'm all over the place. I was in church and they asked the regular attendees to move to the overflow seating so the first time guest could have a seat in the sanctuary and the amount of people who jumped up to give up their seats sent me to tears!!! I mean the gesture was nice but to make me just start crying??? UGH!!! The hormones are slowly taking over.

The nausea is so intense!!!! I have been oh so sick. To the point that (Ok if you have a weak stomach you might want to stop reading) I have made a list of foods that come up easily and ones that don't, because I throw up that easily. Sometimes I feel like I throw up in reverse. One night I threw up my dessert thinking ok maybe I ate too much, but just when I thought I was in the clear up came dinner and then a little left over from lunch. One night I threw up ice cream which started my whole list of food that I would rather throw up than others. You see many moons ago while at camp my friend Nick Harris thought it would be a great dinner topic to ask "If you could throw up anything. What would it be?" Of course he had his response which was ice cream. He said i think it would be grand even if it came back right away so that it was still cold and creamy. He has a point!!! Ice cream comes back up wonderfully and usually tastes great. I had a friend say that throwing up blue gatorade came up great as well. So now I'm to the point of picking what I eat based on what comes up the best.

Ok enough puke talk for one day!

So some facts I'm sure everyone is dying to know.

I am 13 weeks

I am due Nov. 1ST

I do not know the sex

I'm sure I'll share the gender once I know

Why the wait to announce? Partly because I miscarried, but I've been so sick I'ver barely had time to formulate a blog between my meetings with the toilet.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 13 Day 3

Confession: Life has completely consumed me and I have fallen behind on my blog.

As you can tell from the lack of blogs I have not kept up with keeping you up with my weight loss journey. It has been a rough journey and I have definitely gone up and down throughout the whole journey. I'm back to 217lbs I can't seem to shake that number. So this is the last week for the weight loss challenge and I would just like to give a huge shout out to the girls participating in the challenge!!! You have been great, keeping me updated on your weight loss and sharing tips on what has worked for you. So girls you have four more days to push to the finish line!!! Can you do it? I believe in you!!!!

I would really like to go into some more details about life and what has been holding me back the past few weeks, but I'm not ready to dive into that just yet. Just know that I will. I feel as though I'm stepping into a new direction and when I'm ready I will share with you my dear readers.