Confession: Last week I was on vacation and I ate horribly.
Last week my In-Laws were staying at Grand Lake, so my husband and I drove out to stay with them. It was a very relaxing week, we slept in, hung out, played lots of cards, and ate. Some of the food was good food. However, there were snacky foods that weren't so great, candy, chips, etc. We also ate out as well, so overall not a good food week. I did manage to work out a little while on vacation, but not enough to make up for the poor food choices I was making. We are back now, I will get back on track.
What bothers me is as I go through this process I've realized that my thought process towards food is very twisted. First it was addressing my emotionally eating, that I reason in my head I can eat what I want when I'm emotional. Then facing the idea that people reward us with bad food. Now it's "oh I'm on vacation" I can let down because I'm on vacation. The list grows from there, its the holidays, its my birthday, there is "nothing" to eat so I "have to eat this" it goes on and on and on. We have given ourselves so many excuses, reasons, why I can eat what I want. It is as if, I'm in denial about what I'm doing to myself. Even though I am starting to see the truth, I still find myself falling into that twisted thought process and making the bad choices. Though weight loss is a physical battle the mental is a battle that I am now waging war upon.
So my first battle, facing the gym. I've started to go and I'm slowly warming up to it.....mainly because when I go it's in the afternoon and there is barely anybody there. So I feel a little better cause there are fewer eyes that are potentially on me. Plus I don't have to wait for machines. Next step...classes. I need to start attending, cause its a great way to make 45 minutes of cardio to go by fast....and possibly make friends at the gym. Then maybe get a gym buddy. The gym needs to be a part of my everyday routine. So when I miss a day, I feel it immediately and will force myself to keep going.
My second battle FOOD!!! When I go grocery shopping I do very well, buy the right stuff, and stay on track. Then I go to work, I don't pack a lunch and then I fall. Reason in my head that since I don't have any food to eat, I have to eat something. I need to be more prepared. Not to mention if I'm out and bout before I go to work and don't have the "time" to pack my lunch I'm not making good choices on where to go to grab a healthy lunch before work. Also I need to have good food to eat late at night when I get home from work. So I don't binge on chips and salsa or late night pizza. Not to mention when I showed my trainer my food journal....she wasn't too please. I guess I'm not doing as good as I thought I was.
On the upside. My trainer did the typical weigh you, pinch you, and find out how much work they have in store for them. I is this up? Well first of all when she weighed me I had lost two pounds. That is upside numero uno!!! Also when she pinched me my body fat is at like a 32% (I don't know for sure, I was looking over her shoulder) which is a plus for me. You see the last time I had my body fat measured I was at 47% which means my hard work is paying off. I still have a long ways to go, but progress is being made.
LASTLY!!! Biggest Loser is back on, a good source of inspiration to keep me going.
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