Confession: I have eaten out way more than I should have in the past week.
One would think that since I work in the restaurant biz I would rather stay in and eat as oppose to going out. The reality is when I finally have time home to spend with my husband I would rather go out instead of cooking and cleaning etc... so that I can truly enjoy every moment with him. Same thing with friends, I would rather go out than have to clean my house and prepare some sort of meal just to have people over. With the connivence of restaurants people wonder why america is so fat....well it's simple....America has made it so easy to be lazy you don't even realize how lazy you've become. I could probably write an entire blog about how drive-thru's, delivery, microwaves, tv, and internet has slowly made us lazy without even realizing it. Then we just wake up one day 200 plus pounds and wonder what happened. Not only did I this past weekend eat out way too much but I also spent way too much money so now I'm bigger and broke. All because I would rather go out than stay in just so I don't have to cook or clean. It's has to STOP. I have got to get out of the cycle of eating out and wondering why the next week why I haven't lost any weight and why my wallet is empty. So I am going to focus on my weight loss challenge and have to say "NO" to so many things; fast food, restaurants, going out after work, ordering in, Starbucks, TV, facebook (I know i'll be on it, but I'll have to limit my time cause the truth is I spend more time on FB than in the gym) and the list goes on.
So to focus on getting the weight off my first step....Education. I was considering getting the Jillian Michaels book, dvds, etc.. because one of my friends followed her book and did great!!! She really encouraged me on my blogs made great suggestions and talked about how the book really helped her. So of course I creep on her FB page a few days ago and saw some recent pics of her and she looked AMAZING!!! yes Vanessa I'm talking about you!! You did great and still going!!! I am so proud of you and hope that I will be in the same boat as you one day. So I considered getting Jillian's stuff, then I had another friend do really well with the HCG I considered that. Here's the deal, my wonderful husband probably about 2 years ago bought me the ABS Diet for women and all of the ABS Diet books. ABS diet is by the same guy who wrote "Eat This, Not That" which also means I have about 5 of the "Eat This, Not That" books. So lets be honest I really should not go out and buy a new book or dvd's or try a new diet. I should first READ the books I have now and at least give them a real try before I go out and blow a bunch of money on a new fad. I did find the Abs Diet cookbook, I think it came out for the new year so I bought that instead....kinda keep with the books I already have and move forward.
So dear readers I have one other person willing to take on my New Year's challenge. Anybody else with us? A little healthy competition may be the motivation you need to get moving....I know it is for me.
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