Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 9 Day 3

Confession: Graving is not under control.

Well, Tuesday night, I did ok, brought snacks avoided most foods. Tonight, I wasn't as prepared and the grazing went down the drain.

Ok so all day tuesday, even though I knew it was tuesday....In my mind it was "weigh in wednesday" So when I weighed in at 218, it wasn't my final weight for the week. I still had another DAY!!!! Ok ok I know you're wondering how I could possibly know it was tuesday and think it was wednesday. First of all I started off thinking it was Wednesday thus me weighing myself as I usually do every morning. Then thinking it was "weigh in wednesday" me sitting on the couch and blogging about my 1 pound weight gain. I go about my day, head to work and in pre-shift realize "OH IT'S TUESDAY!!" Go about my evening work and on the way home it hits me...."TOMORROW IS WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY" So instead of eating a late night dinner, maybe I could skip and have a more effective weigh in the next day......drum roll please........IT WORKED!!!! I'm down to 216!!! BOOOYA!!!!

I'm hoping my grazing tonight wasn't a step backwards but we shall see.


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