Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 11 Day 3

Confession: I've eaten out twice this week!!!

All I've wanted to do this week is not cook, not eat healthy, and do absolutely nothing!!!! So needless to say my 1 pound weight gain is not the end of the world. I did work out Sunday and Monday and basically got my butt kicked Monday. Therefore I felt it necessary to celebrate by eating out. Yeah that was a mistake. What I have realized, is that I am emotionally going through something. I am dumbfounded by my want to eat bad, do nothing, and let go. I have worked so hard and now I want to throw it all away. There is some sort of emotion that I am working through and sub-consciencely the emotional eating is in high gear. Sometime I wonder if counseling will do the trick, or if I can fight it myself. If sticking to the plan of eating right and working out will solve my problem. I have a lot to mull over in my head.


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