Confession: Holiday eating kinda got the best of me.
I did really good at first. Friday success! Saturday success!! Sunday survived!!! Monday success minus the cookies!!! Tuesday epic fail!!!!!!!!
I've been finding really great recipes. Cooking more than I use to, packing lunches, drinking lots of water, snacking appropriately, and really feeling I got a handle on this life style change. Even staying consistence with my workouts. I was bracing myself for the holiday weekend and all the food temptations it entailed and I actually did really good. That was because I was working the majority of the weekend and really wasn't attending bbq's, parties, etc. Monday I finally had a day off and my husband and I went out to OKC to see some friends. We had a great time, even planned out our meals and were very successful. Aside from my husbands request for chocolate cookies. My friend makes some pretty amazing cookies and it's a request every time we visit. I managed to keep my cookie consumption to a minimum, but not to avoiding them completely.
Tuesday, thats a whole different story. We left our friends house without having breakfast. Not their fault. We had a big day ahead of us and needed get on the road as soon as possible. We left and halfway back found ourselves super hungry and going to McDonald's and eating horrible food. We get home shower and change and head to our next appointment, then onto the next. By then my husband is tired stressed out and not wanting to eat at home...mainly because he'd have to wait for me to find a recipe go to the store and cook. So we opt to eat out, I convinced myself I would do good, order properly and be successful. I ordered thinking I did good with opting for a chicken sandwich and taking off the mayo, then I ate fries, then fried jalapenos, fried cheese and finished the meal with a mint brownie shake. EPIC FAIL!!
Not to mention my original goal was to start my detox today.
Tomorrow, I'm going to start the detox, which also means starting a 3 day juice diet....and lots of personal time with my toilet. Hopefully, I'll be back on track tomorrow.
I do make some awesome cookies!!!! Even though Tuesday was tough, look at your wins this past weekend and start again today. One thing that might help is making a menu for the week and haveing everything on hand so that when you're hungry you don't have to look for something, then go to the grocery store, then cook it. You just look at your options for the week and begin cooking. It has rocked our world! Had great fun with you guys and next time we'll have some sort of breakfast. LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!