So juice diet was no bueno!!!! First of all I was on nothing but juice for 3 days....super tough. Not to mention by the last day I had some serious heartburn. Plus that constant hunger ache in my belly. Even though I lost about 3lbs, it was just as rough as working out for three days straight.

Yesterday I had my Dr. Appointment to talk to him about what I'm doing and get the facts from him about my health. Can I just say that I love my doctor!!! The appointment starts out with him telling me we have a friend in common, I was intrigued and asked who. He said the name slipped his head but he saw them talking about me on FB. Who knew? I know FB makes the world a smaller place, but it caught me off guard. Why wouldn't my doctor have a FB account? So I told him he can look me up and if we are friends he can follow my weight loss blog. To which led to me explaining my blog, and my weight loss plan. I also told him that my ultimate goal was to get my blog recognized by Oprah get a book deal and then maybe a movie.
He laughed and I told him he could choose whichever actor he wanted to play him in the movie.
He was like pick a guy?
Or you can play yourself!! I mean if you wanted Tim McGraw I'd be ok with that.
I was thinking more along the lines of Brad Pitt.
Even better!!
I mean I already get that everyday.
Oh I totally see the resemblance. I'll even it make a funny scene, where I'm always looking forward to visit my doctor, cause he looks like Brad Pitt.
OH that could work.
Needless to say I have a new appreciation for my doctor. We talked about the "Eat this Not that books" apparently he never heard of them. I mean it's totally changing my life and he should look into them just he can see how amazing they are. I told him about how this is more of a lifestyle change not a diet!! We agreed that you can't "diet" for life if I really want this to work and maintain my new weight it has to be a change for life. Which is why I'm going with these books cause they are geared towards eating better not dieting. I talked about the detox and he got a little concerned. Apparently the medical world has some very negative thoughts about detox and feel its more of a trend than an actual effective detox. He suggested that a detox is more of a eliminating bad foods, alcohol, and other bad things people consume. I told him how thats more along the lines what I'm doing eliminating the bad and taking a supplement to help move things out. I also reassured him that it was to kick start the weight loss, and not something I'll be doing on a regular basis. All in all he was very please with my plan and what I'm doing.
We also got on the subject about, how graphic I should be in my blog about me detox and how my poop is changing on a regular basis. As I was explaining the changes he just looked at me and said "I don't know why people wouldn't want to read about this, I'm already intrigued its just so amazing" Not only is my doctor funny, he's sarcastic too!!! It really makes me feel better having a doctor who I can talk with on a personable level. Someone I can trust with my health and not feel like every visit is just in and out here's a prescription kind of visit.
He decided to run test for the basics, blood sugar, cholesterol, thyroid etc. he also decided to check for celiac disease. Which may explain my stomach problems, which will be sad if it means giving up wheat products. I'm not going to lie....I love carbs especially bread!!!

Then comes the hard part!!! The lab test, actually it was just taking some blood so he can run the tests. Have I ever mentioned that I have a HUGE fear of needles?? Yeah its pretty intense, many moons ago I went with my friend to get her belly button pierced once, and I was the one freaking out and almost passing out. I've had to get a few IV's and needless to say they've ended with me hyperventilating and going into an intense shock. I haven't fainted like my sister, but I've come close. After the appointment I headed down to the lab and had to deal with the NEEDLE. The lab tech was very nice and I explained how I have a huge fear, my arm veins are tiny, and tend to collapse very easily. She basically told me she will get it on the first try and I had nothing to worry about and she did!!! I was very happy!!!
Now I wait for the results and resume my detox, except now I can eat food!!!!
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