Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 7 Day 6

Confession: Cardio and heat are my enemy!!!

I need to do more cardio to speed up the weight loss journey. I'm eating good, working out, and making slow progress. I know I need to do more cardio, in fact I'm trying to train for my 5k. Here's the problem, first of all, I can't get to the gym on a daily basis. Second of all, the heat is just killing me. I can't stand hot weather, its one of my main motivators in leaving Oklahoma. Therefore, finding the motivation to get up, go outside, and run in the blazing heat is beyond my abilities. I try to psych my self up and think if i just get out there and start moving I'll be fine. Nope!! One step out the door and I'm running back inside to the air conditioning. Anything over 80 degree's is not my friend. So now I'm waiting to for the sun to go away and so I can start training outside.

So apparently there is a "Mud Run" in Tulsa on the August 21. Apparently its this 1.5-2mile course of mud and obstacle courses. Kinda sound fun. But you have to do it in teams of 2 or 5. So if anyone wants to get down and dirty let me know. I'm thinking about doing it.

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