Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 4 Day 4

Confession: I broke my juice diet.

Here's the deal, I got asked to work late last night. Mainly to help close and clean the restaurant because we are having a big visit today. I agreed and my store manager told me as an incentive I'll order pizza for everyone. GREAT! I'm on a juice diet and as a way to get me to come in you offer me fatting food. Even if I wasn't on my juice diet I wouldn't want the pizza cause I'm on my health kick (I'm not calling my new way of eating a "diet" cause I don't want to diet for life. I want to get the weight off and then live my life, spurge on food when I want to, cut back when needed and keep myself healthy. Change my health and eating for life, not temporarily....I feel like diet are temporary not a permanent fix.) So its late, I'm tired, I'm hungry and the pizza smelt like heaven, so I gave in. I immediately regretted it, my stomach turned, and I wish I had better will power. Epic Fail.

This got me thinking....there is something wrong with America....why do you think we are fat? Because people use food as an incentive, they offer free fatty food as a reward. If you think about it, it's more of a slap in the face. Here, I'm going to have you work extra hard, and give you this pizza, ice cream, chips, soda, deep fried goodness that you will have to work even harder to work off what I just rewarded you. Which is even harder cause you're already working so hard for me and now you'll have even less time to work off the crap I'm giving you. I'm not blaming my boss, I'm blaming generations from before us, media, large food corporations and all the people who convinced America into eating/serving the bad food as a reward to make a buck. What is sad is that I never thought about how getting pizza as a reward was so bad. That it's actually doing more damage than good, yet it's everywhere, schools, work places, teams, you name it, they are all offering crap food as a reward for my good work. IT'S NOT A REWARD!!!!

This brought me back to a conversation I had a while ago, when I was having lunch with an old friend. He was filling me in on life and how things have changed etc. One of the things he mentioned is that his company is a huge advocate of healthy living, so much in fact they give raises to people who improve their health. He went in after like 6 month or a year of working for them, they basically gave him a physical and his health had improved, so they gave him a raise. Wouldn't that be amazing that you could earn money for being healthy? That you're job is willing to support you to live a healthier longer life. I wish this was a standard in every workplace not just a few.

Ok I'm getting off my soapbox.

The detox is back on track and going well. It's weird, I can feel the supplements moving things around, freeing up waste in my body. I guess thats a good sign. Haven't had any exciting moments on the toilet, but I'm sure there will be some soon.

Oh and I lost 3lbs yesterday, maybe I should go on a juice diet more often.

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